How many of us have ever looked at a horse, be it in the movies or for real, and stopped to admire its hair? If this is you, you are not alone. Horse hair is a favorite over the world, used in more than just a couple of items in the world today.
How is horse hair harvested? You may want to know, and that is what you will learn today.
That said, here is an article aimed to tell you a little about the harvesting of horse hair with some more basic facts about horse hair.
How Is Horse Hair Harvested?

Horse hair is sourced in regions like Canada, Serbia, and Mongolia, where the climates are cold.
This is because while you can still source horse’s hair in warm temperatures, cold weather can play an important role in producing hair that is thick and strong.
So first, the hair is cleaned and sorted, after which it is sold to manufacturers. The harvesting process then begins where the hair is combed so that all knots and tangles are removed (like human hair, horse’s hair can get tangled too, you know)
The hair is then cut and bundled into small locks, which are sent to different places. What places? Hairdressers, beauty stores, etc
You will know more in the course of this article.
Oh, wait, before that, the hair is washed, bleached, cleaned, dried, and only then used. All these are very important steps in the harvesting of a horse’s hair.
Is Horse Hair Made Of Keratin?
Yes, now you are familiar with that word, aren’t you? And the fact is that 90 percent of a horse’s coat contains keratin which is why its hair is so good.
For those who don’t know what it is, it is a protein made up of a chain of amino acids responsible for nourishing horses (and even human) hair.
Must Read: How Is Horse Hair Harvested?
What Instrument Uses Horse’s Hair?

If you are a violinist, you would by now know that the bow in your violin is made from horse hair.
So, the next time you practice, have a closer look at your violin bow. Know that a single bow contains somewhere around 200 individual hairs.
These are all, as you can see, connected by a ribbon after the thick and kinked hairs are removed.
So, what you get in the end is an effective bow of only straight hairs for you to make your music.
Is Horse Hair Used In Mattresses?
Apart from violin bows, mattresses are another common thing that horse hair is used in.
The reason why it is so common here is because of its hollow strands. This makes way for a free flow of air to ensure better ventilation, and we all want to sleep on a mattress like this, wouldn’t we?
Also, horse hair comes with natural properties, which again aids in better air circulation. What happens as a result? The mattress dries faster, which makes it perfect for kids and older adults.
So, the next time you go out to buy a mattress, make sure that it is made of horse’s hair and not the synthetic materials that a lot of mattresses are made with today.
Is Horse Hair Vegan?

If you are a vegan, then you definitely wouldn’t be asking this question. A vegan is something that nowhere involves anything from animals, and the very fact that a horse’s hair comes from the tails of these horses that are often slaughtered for a lot of reasons means that it is in no way vegan.
In other words, if you are a pet activist, then you perhaps wouldn’t approve of this, and chances are you already have your hand on the mouse button.
The rest of you can read on.
Is Horse’s Hair Strong?
Yes, it is strong, it is lustrous, it is resilient, and isn’t that why you are reading so much about this article on horse hair?
Of course, it is soft, it is low in density, and for all these reasons, is any day a better option to the other man-made substitutes that have come up today?
Is Horse Hair Close To Human Hair?
You are probably reading this right now and thinking about the ponytails that we admired so much in school.
In a way, yes, horse hair is similar to human hair, and that’s how the style got its name.
Perhaps the main difference here is that, unlike human hair, which requires constant grooming and nourishment, a horse’s hair does not need so much maintenance.
How so? Nature’s blessing, you may say?
Can Horsehair Be Sold?

Yes, horse hair is often sold to make wigs, jewelry, and even home decor.
In other words, the demand for horse hair is very high, even today, when you have other materials that can take their place.
This is because, in the end, nothing can compare with the quality and feel of a horse’s hair.
Horse hair is often sold at $400 to $600.
Recommended Reading: Why Horse Racing Is Not Cruel?
Why Is Horse Hair So Expensive?
Here’s the part that you have been waiting for. Horsehair can indeed be expensive, and this is not without reason.
First of all, as you saw, the hair comes from horses that have been slaughtered in certain select regions over the world, as the hair needs to be of good quality.
Then they are sorted, which again is a process that requires effort.
And that’s about the harvesting and other special things about the horse’s hair. It’s special, and that is why it is always there, in the violin bow and the mattress and hair clothes.
That said, if you have never stopped to look till now, the next time, make sure that you have an especially closer look at the horse’s hair.
FAQs: How Is Horse Hair Harvested?
Q1. What Clothes Are Made From Horse’s Hair?
Ans: Hair cloth. This is a stiff and inflexible fabric that is often used as upholstery and, in some cases, as a lining of clothes.
Q2. How Do They Get Horsehair For Bows?
Ans: Well, you already saw that above. So, when a horse is slaughtered, the hairs from the tail are collected, after which they are used to make these bows. Horse hair is biodegradable and environmentally friendly too, which means it is any day a better option when compared to manmade fibers.